Evenement17.10.2024 - 20.10.2024

SNAP! Festival 2024

Organized by a group of activists sex workers, SNAP is a festive and political event dedicated to the discourses and representations of sex workers (SW).

For this 4th edition, the festival dives into History in all its plurality: which narratives do SW want to pass on? What memories come alive once the past reflects itself in the mirror - from a sex worker perspective? And what impact do legislative sex work battles have on SW’s dreams for the future?

Among other things, self-managed brothels and lives free from stigma.

Whore studies, performances, films, concerts, open mic, infokiosk, knowledge and whore art:

SNAP is open to anyone eager to learn more about the issues faced by SW.

The festival is organized in collaboration with UTSOPI.

For more infos about the detailed program:  SNAP Festival Website

The festival takes a politically committed approach to sex work - and can therefore contain explicit content in its programming.

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