Our Toolboxes

Tax Deduction Worksheet for self-employed s*x w*rkers (PDF)

What expenses can you deduct? Download this cute worksheet and use it as inspiration for your accounting.

Tax Deduction Worksheet for self-employed s*x w*rkers (Excel)

What expenses can you deduct? Download this cute worksheet and use it as inspiration for your accounting.

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Timeline Decriminalisation

A chronological overview of the steps leading to Decriminalisation, from March 2020 until March 2022.

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Guide for the self-employed

***Work in progress*** This guide is intended for sex workers who want to start a one-person business.

Toolboxes from other organisations

Digital security is a form of harm reduction

Doxing Self Defense

Guide by Hacking//Hustling

A rights guide by Fairwork

Undocumented workers

Available in six languages

How we build collectives beyond institutions


Community toolkit by Hacking//Hustling

A guide for grassroots activists

Working with Conflict

Toolkit by European Youth for Action

Strip private date from photos

Delete Metadata

Guide by RhED

Identity, Phone, Mail Management & more

Digital tools

Guides by CypherSex

Integrative Consent Education

Consent + Boundaries

Video by Mia Schacter

Trauma sensitive work

Window of Tolerance

Video by the Augeo Foundation
