Open House

Every Tuesday, the UTSOPI team welcomes you for free and without appointment to answer your questions:

  • How to start as an independent sex worker (first steps, access to banks, bookkeeping, ...)
  • The legal framework for sex workers in Belgium (laws, how to defend yourself, ...)
  • Organizing your activity (advertising, resources, ...)

Join any time you can between 14h00 and 17h30, we provide snacks and drinks!

Drop-in for sex workers.

Practical info

Date: Every Tuesday

Time: between 14h00 and 17h30

Contact: or +32 472 88 62 27

Location: rue d'Aerschot 208 - Schaerbeek

Social Open house en
  • Hoe starten als zelfstandig sekswerker (eerste stappen, toegang tot banken, boekhouding, ...)
  • Het wettelijk kader voor sekswerkers in België (wetten, hoe jezelf te verdedigen, ...)
  • Het organiseren van je activiteit (reclame, hulpbronnen, ...)

Kom op elk moment tussen 14u00 en 17u30, wij zorgen voor hapjes en drankjes!

Enkel voor sekswerkers.

Praktische info

Datum: Elke dinsdag

Tijd: tussen 14u00 en 17u30

Contact: 0472 25 64 26

Locatie: Aarschotstraat 208 - Schaarbeek


La fortune pierre mignard 1693 83cdbca2

Financial discrimination: report

Our country has made great progress in recent years in terms of equal rights for sex workers. Despite legal advances, sex...
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Lty calendar NEW
Listen To You

Listen to You - Calendar

Here are the dates of our "Listen to You" for the next six months! Changes are afoot: starting in 2025, Listen to You’s...
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Social Open house en
Open House

Open House

Every Tuesday, the UTSOPI team welcomes you for free and without appointment to answer your questions:How to start as an...
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Lty bxl en
Listen To You

Listen To You Brussels / February

(FR, ENG) Join us at UTSOPI's monthly gatherings, "Listen to You", designed exclusively for sex workers in Ghent, Antwerp,...
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