Op deze pagina vind je resources in verband met sekswerk: grondig onderzoek, TV en podcast series, waaronder die waaraan UTSOPI heeft meegewerkt. De tools en info specifiek voor en door sekswerkers, kan je hier vinden.
International Commission of Jurist: the 8 March Principles
Principle 17 states voluntary sex work may not be criminalized, absent coercion, force, abuse of authority or fraud.
London School of Economics: experiences from the Nordic region
The Centre for Women, Peace and Security assesses the radical feminist push for the criminalization of the client.
Impact of EU policies
In this 2023 scientific paper, the impact of different EU policies is examined.
ESWA: Beyond decriminalisation
In this video, UTSOPI founder Sonia Verstappen talks about our organization’s history, six months after decriminalization in Belgium.
Empowered Voices Mixxxtape
In this coproduction between KASK students and UTSOPI, six sex workers speak about stigma and the realities of sex work.
The Price of Pleasure Podcast
These six interviews (EN, NL, FR) with sex workers were recorded at the Price of Pleasure event, organised by UTSOPI and Sophia in October 2022.
Nouvelles Écoutes: La politique des putes
En conversation avec Océan, des TDS parlent de la précarité et les violences systémiques. Mais aussi des ressources, empowerment et l’intime en tant que résistance.
PLOS: Sex work laws
A meta-analysis of 134 quantitative and qualitative studies on the effects of sex work laws on sex workers’ health.
NSWP: Let’s talk about sex work
A terminology statement and guide by NSWP
NSWP: Parlons de travail du sexe
Mise au point linguistique et guide de terminologie par NSWP